The New Generic CADD for Windows                                                                            


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General CADD Business Plan

Our Goals

The Program    What is it?  Click Here
The staff of General CADD Products, Inc. is committed to producing a very capable and affordable Windows based 2D CADD program for use by independent draftspersons.   General CADD Pro (GCP) is based on a easily understood and remembered 2 letter command structure and  includes a powerful Macro language for user customization and program automation.  Features include 32 bit accuracy and .DWG, .DXF, .CMP, .GCD & .MCR file compatibility.  

Programming Team
General Cadd Pro has been under continued development for almost 10 years.  A virtual programming group has contributed to it's development with various programming teams located around the world from Moscow to Seattle!  The development leaders and real brains behind the program features are Matt Brown and Carl Ransdell of Ransdell & Brown Inc., Seattle, WA.  These two fellows are well known through out the Cadd community and their reputation speaks for itself.  It is hard for us to believe that in excess of $1,000,000.00 has been invested in time, expense and effort so far to develop General Cadd Pro and the investment continues!

Customer Base
We are not looking for and have no illusions about developing a customer base of several hundred thousand customers or more!  In our business plan, we believe that our goals will be reached if we  develop a client base of only a few thousand dedicated and supporting customers who understand where we are coming from and what we intend to accomplish.  We are looking for a Win/Win situation in which our customers receive a capable, powerful and stable product which is well supported and is expanded and improved at a steady pace in response to our customer's needs.  We as a company in return hope to look forward to a steady, reliable income so that we can continue to provide this needed service.

Software Costs
The price for a 1 license seat of General CADD Pro Version 12.1 is $599.00 US$.  This license includes the program itself and an on screen manual in HTML format.  There will be no written, printed manual, however, the HTML manual can be printed out by customers who desire to have paper in their hands.  The projected cost of future annual program upgrade releases (new major version)  will be $149.00 per copy and may be pre-purchased for $99.00..  

Click Here for Current Price list

Thinking out loud about pricing ...                                                                                             Generic CADD was discontinued almost 16 years ago.  The official price for Generic CADD Version 6 in 1993 was $495.00  If you are like many former Generic customers, you may have purchased their annual version updates which usually cost between $100 - $150 each year.  A loyal Generic CADD customer therefore would have invested between $1,200 - $1,800 in annual upgrades had the company remained in business.                                                  
Many informed General CADD Pro customers have realized that purchasing GCP at today's price is very much like purchasing the last 14 year's worth of Generic CADD updates all at one time for          between 1/2 and 1/3 what the total cost of those updates would have been.  Many have considered  this a pretty unique bargain!       

GCP Version 12.0 Pre-Purchase Discount Offer!
At the time of initial purchase of Version 11.1, you may elect to purchase version 12.0 in advance for only $99.00. (normal upgrade price is $149.00) Users who do so will be able to actively use the next version as it is being developed, way in advance of its official release.  Current Price list

Average Cost Example:  If you purchase GCP Version 11.1 at $599.00 and the Pre-Purchase Offer at $99.00 which includes version 12.0, the average cost per version is only $399.00! If you include in this calculation electing to pre-purchase the future version 12.0, the average cost per version drops to only $332.00 per version release!                                                                            

To Purchase General CADD Pro click here now

Program Distribution
General Cadd Pro will be primarily distributed through Internet Download.  Upon initial purchase, the GCP program will be shipped to you on CD.  Our operating plan does not include the distribution of  program upgrades on a CD after the initial purchase.  All subsequent version upgrades (no charge) will be obtained by way of auto installing file download.  The internet will be our exclusive form of communication with our customers.  Because of our continued development and improvement plan, any version on a CD will be out of date within a few weeks at most. All are welcome to download and try out the latest version ... click here

Software Security
General CADD Pro will require that a hardware security device be attached either to a USB or parallel port for full operation.  Operation without an attached security device will cause the program to revert to demonstration mode.  The security device will be shipped to the customer once an order has been placed through our web site along with the original version release on a self installing CD.  The security device does not have any time limitations to its operation nor are there any annual subscription fees.  You will own the license to use GCP for as long as you like in the same way most other software licenses are purchased.

A "Built In" User Controlled Security System

General CADD Pro has a unique "built in" optional security system which allows the user to save drawings and components in a file format which can either be universal in nature (can be shared with other GCP users) or specific to his own operation.  With this security system in operation, for the first time, a CADD program will afford complete protection for the customer's investment in his drawing and component database.  There is much more that can be written about this security system but we would like the details to remain on a "need to know" basis.

Through the application of this security system a user will be able to develop libraries of drawings and components for sale to others and be assured that these libraries will not become part of the "public domain".   In this way, for example, our GCP customer could resell a copy of GCP to one of his customers and fill it out with drawings, components and macros and be assured that only that one customer could use the supplied database of libraries.

A "viewer only" program will also be available to operate under this security system.

Custom Versions

General Cadd Products, Inc. will give serious consideration to companies who wish to release and resell a customized version of GCP unique to a particular industry or drafting discipline.  Each one of these applications will be evaluated on the needs and requirements of the particular customer.  Costs will depend on the unit volume purchased.

Academic Institutions

Special consideration and pricing will be given to select High Schools, Colleges and other academic institutions that teach Computer Assisted Design (CAD).  Please email with details of your situation and needs.




General CADD Pro (GCP)  Windows 2D CADD drafting software featuring 2 letter command structure, windows menus, powerful Macro language, 32 bit accuracy and .DWG, .DXF, .CMP, .GCD, .VCD, .VCS & .MCR file compatibility.

General CADD Products, Inc., 1 Railroad Avenue, Cherry Valley, N. Y. 13320 USA