Version 9.1 Released ! ! - See this page
printer crash
bug fixed
Memory leak in Printer routine fixed
8.1.44 12-16-2010
- removed beeps from error case
Linetype draws
- VQ picking VPs more robust
- atb macro fix AT,s,z,4,c,1,!; Fixed
- ME,3 value not displayed fix
- DWG Write - Deal With Angled Viewports
- Startup focus issues fixed
8.1.41 8-27-2010
DWG Leader Cvt Fix
Angle formatting obeys LeadingZero setting
DK looks for infinite points in objects
Read-Only fix for Win7 machines
8.1.38 7-28-2010
Extract Image added to shift/rclick
Image menu
Filled Font added to US settings
DWG Read Viewport layer system updated
Shift+DL resets dialog default location
Print StampAdjustX/Y in AQ
OLECopy_FrameWidth/Height in AQ
SI,2 fix
Sped up launch from Explorer
Selection: Deselect Connected now working again
TIN fix for Degenerate Tessellation
Border/Breakline - fix for accepting non 3D points if the very
first point is snapped to a 3D point
8.1.34 6-30-2010
Load multiple drawings into empty tab
naming problem fixed
Update installer detect hidden GCP8 running
Increase file load buffer to 256 by 256 character filenames
do not allow Shift+CL persistent command
Rotation of 360 - make zero for Components and Text
misc VQ fixes
LB Components problem fixed
8.1.30 6-4-2010
Don't allow VP current layer to
hide unless AllowCurrentLayerHidden is true
Don't allow DN to duplicate layout tab names
XRef text with curves in font - color problem fixed
Close All Tabs - problem fixed
OT Command Fix for Single Selected Polyline w/ Arcs
8.1.27 4-29-2010
FULL download install path changed to
C:\General CADD 8
IA and edit text - changes not sticking - fixed
GD now the Show Distance command
Layer Fix for DWG Write
DN fixed / show pt number and elev on cursor text for survey pts
MText - fix for rotation not sticking
8.1.25 4-7-2010
Win7 non-Admin rights working
OI can select Locked Layers
VP Layer Mgr - now must select layer item first before toggling
display state
8.1.21 3-23-2010
Added Win 7 Install features
fixed AC in menu
8.1.19 3-2-2010
NEW: 5-Button mouse supported - use MA:
B4 & B5
S3D - Copy survey pts duplicate point options
BL allow autosnaps for 2 pick method
QE use current layer fix
DP Collate checkbox fix
Win7 32&64 detection in FB
8.1.16 2-17-2010
DWG Merge - Zoom All after load
DWG Read Fix for Symbol with Extrusion UCS Set To 0,0,1 but ZScale set
to -1 (Andy)
Print Reverse Tab Print Order when printing multiple tabs -
checkbox in Start Print dlg
8.1.15 2-10-2010
TextLines to MText conversion via TE
speed up
V7 Viewports retain proper hidden layers in V8 - fixed
8.1.14 2-8-2010
DWG Write support for OLE Objects
DJ command fix for Ellipses
Leader Edit - multi lines in edit box fix
Drawing header problem with some drawings - fixed
8.1.10 2-2-2010
GT leaves ghost line - fixed
Append Comma option in X3 for data collectors (Eric request)
/GEOM command improved check for tangent circles
DP,EL potential crash fixed
MText - interuptable redraw
TL to MText convert speedup
DWG Save - polyline fix
PT ask for Desc fix
fix clicking on highlighted character in custom prompts (Macros)
Contour fix - contours with only 2 compute pts were not added to
the system
8.1.08 1-14-2010
Segmented Hatch with EArcs -
EArc extend fix
Deselect not showing in selection commands
8.1.06 1-7-2010
FB report fix
work on digitizer access
8.1.04 1-5-2010
LF, S Font Save Fix
WR on vertex fixed
Happy New
8.1.03 12-31-2009
* * * GCP Version 8.1.03 Released! * * * *
8.0.062 12-25-2009
Merry Christmas!
Minor toolbar fix
Snap Offset nodes clear after mouse click (AQ option only -ClearSnapOffsetNodesAfterClick)
Trap angle fix
Smaller lines can be added (0.00000001 minimum length) - Lew
QM documented and added to V8 Command menu
SF command fix
OL obeys NF,S show units
8.0.061 12-23-2009
Curve bug fix
8.0.060 12-22-2009
Fixed a Bug in Toolbars
8.0.059 12-21-2009
LT Component and Text symbolic linetype not
FB dialog lockup fixed
MT/MX - ignore zero length lines
SF Snap Offsets - clear snaps when line finished
Sticky Snap duplicate node check
MT Fix for MultiTrim creating zero length lines
8.0.058 12-17-2009
Line type crash fix
8.0.057 12-17-2009
CT - App Path if default path doesn't
MG default Color and Width fix
Explode Comp could change to incorrect width
R4 - direct distance entry fix
Migrate radio button minor fix
Quick File List macro now using QL
8.0.056 12-15-2009
R4 - works with Direct Distance and RET for
QL - Quick File list (formally /FLIST)
HS Layer entry check
AC warns if object missed
DJ on bulging polyline fixed
LM tooltips added
Download path corrected
8.0.054 12-11-2009
tRiM lines to Curves fix
Viewport Polyline - Rotate90 Fix
Snap Offset cleanup
8.0.053 12-10-2009
fixed component fill problem
8.0.052 12-9-2009
Show Surveyor3D menu fix
DJ on an Ellipse supportd
Startup linetype file cannot be symboliclinetypes.lst
SnapDistance saved to cfg
SD on Ellipse/EllArc working
MG linetypes on Circles fixed
Printer settings changing correctly if selected from Page Setup
S2 fix when Ortho
3D toolbar working (S3D)
YH with short list Hide All fixed - Paul's drawing
8.0.050 12-3-2009
TG,D fix - was selecting Comps
Startup finds correct linetype file
SD and AD working from macros
Macros: strips the .00 from the string $S(1). fixed
resized VQ mgr
Autosnap options dialog cleaned up
Autosnap distance from end points or midpoint, which ever closest
ED command - bypass selection on geometric entities
Autosnap: Snap Percentage works on Arcs, Curves
Notched dimension add outline like other arrow heads
Sticky objects find their intersections and projected intersections
AD command - Endpoint mode
OI,F,A,!,Y,*WALL,!,W,@,@,!; // the * in the layer name creates a
8.0.049 11-23-2009
Startup crash on some systems - fixed
TG,D - was selecting components - fixed
MA - Macro assign now creates a backup file in Macros Backup\
Snap Distance on Circles working
SF asks for a point
8.0.047 11-20-2009
SD Snap Distance command - pick point on object to radiate snap nodes
out from
AD,2 Arc Dimension - pick the arc and 2 pts on the arc to dimension
AC AutoCorner command - trims lines to one another with minimal picks,
R4 Rounded Rectangle command - create rounded, filleted, chamfered
DS & Autosave speedup with multiple Layout tabs
` Grave Key Macros stored in Macros.fil. Ctrl+` to bring up list for
quick pick - Grave ` tab added to MA
OL Object length command
CT - convert GXD to DXF
CT dialog redesigned
Snap Offset (SF)
- Snap Offset depth added
- Trap angle matches snap offset angle
- collect snaps while alt key stays down
Search Everything button from DL uses .gxd extension
Curve Table numbering error fixed
TG handles MText
MG Linetypes added, also Explode
/FLIST command - create file lists gxd, gxc, gxm that display in a popup
Status prompt edit - extra space checkbox
Custom100 toolbar added - custom commands 100 - 199
SE,N speedup
DX,Save option
Close command added to File menu
AS Auto Snap new option for show preview nodes (none)
- when "none" AS will not preview but instead will work as a explicit
snap command showing snap nodes after object selected
VQ Viewport Mgr fixes
8.0.042 11-03-2009
to be posted
8.0.039 10-26-2009
Viewport border work
Viewport Name allowed (optional)
new command ED. The EDit command will pick the appropriate edit command
for the object picked.
LI lockup fixed
8.0.038 10-25-2009
IX crash fix done for LX and AX as a precausion /
ME,4 working from macro
8.0.037 10-21-2009
Snap Offsets - minor fixes
TE and QE - potential crash bugs found and fixed
Cursor Info - faster and safer
MText - Arrowing improved
Polyline - Undo restores ortho, const pts shown on each node
8.0.030 10-6-2009
Divide command (DJ)
VP create border by selection
misc cleanups
Cursor info causing problems - removed from Line/MD/TK for now
8.0.025 9-24-2009
- LI command not about to ESC out of on some machines - fixed
- Migrate brings over FieldToFinish folder
- Print Preview of Viewports faster
- CopyLayerStates/PasteLayerStates commands added to YD/LM/Viewport LM RClick menu.
8.0.022 9-22-2009
First BETA release of Version 8