GCP Version 9.1 Released ! ! - See this page
4.1.30 12-15-2009 GCP Version 8
upgrade purchase now available see order
updated security device routines to handle transition to GCP 8
4.1.29 4-2-2007
Updates dialog link bug fix
4.1.28 3-21-2007
Buffer overrun bug fix
Tray update indicator added
4.1.27 12-21-2006
DWG: Attribute Display Processing Fix
4.1.26a 11-1-2006
DWG Read fix problem with text layer
4.1.26 10-19-2006
DWG Read: Linear dim w/ NULL dim style
DWG Write Fix
DWGWrite: Fix for rotated center justified text
EF,=,@,!,!; fix
4.1.25 8-26-2006
WMF format work
Dimension bug work
DWG read in work
4.1.24 8-22-2006
Fix for diff scale comps in symbols - rotated display bug
DWGRead: 3D Normals on Pts and lines - more intelligent conversion
DWG Read: Quadratic NURB Conversion
AU on multiple tabs incremental naming fix
Fillet failed error message
OB fix
4.1.23 8-3-2006
DWG Save GCP color 0/15 translated to DWG color 7 (always opposite background color)
OB,@,@,12; from macro is turning the line background color fixed
Ortho cursor fix. With OA = 270 not always able to start line going in 3 oclock direction
4.1.23 8-1-2006
DWG import troubles - metrix scaling for Xbox
Look at 3D Polylines and see if we can convert them - TA fix
Print - disappearing components. Temporarily exploded to hidden layers - fixed (Jim Gilbert)
DP explode components in place to fix components printing over fills Benchmark
Dual Monitor problem fix
4.1.22a 7-17-2006
SA,F and SA,G - use recent folder - crash fix
4.1.22 7-17-2006
Pulled clipboard commands out from flyout menu
DWGSave: Linetype scale factor for each geometric entity
rclick menu Rotate on Component ghost rubberbanding left overs
DWGRemoveHiddenLayersFromBlock & DWGExplodeRotatedAttributes added to AQ
GXD Load - don't add a screen linetype as a world linetype to the linetype Mg
Exit will prompt for drawing save of multiple drawings.
DWG save - LW0 -> .18mm new GCP LW mapping to ACAD lineweights
DWGSAve Ellipse Not Factoring in Unit (UN) for Ellipses
BD prompt fix
DWG Save Radial, Diamter Improvements
DWG Dim Style Table Update
DWG Attribute Save
OB direct distance break working again.
DWG Save Parabola --> DWG NURB (Spline Entiity)
4.1.21 6-28-2006
DWG load fix
OR bug fix
4.1.20f 6-27-2006
New menu organization (Vincent)
DWG Read: Hide FROZEN Layers
Ortho lines difficult to break out of 270 and go to 0 deg fixed
4.1.20d 6-24-2006
XP Style Common Dialog File Selector Crash bug fixed
4.1.20c 6-23-2006
GENERA~3 pathing problem fixed
Degree character working after DWG conversion
Ortho Stop w/ Ortho Angle problem fixed
Bitmap Object not saving to V3 correctly
BH now takes on current Line Width
Printing scaled components with dimensions now works correctly
BL roundoff error cased fixed
Another Layer Merge problem found and fixed Tony
Crash fixed Expldoe Leader containing char the does not exist in font
lx,nl,@,sp,@; will show a '#' in the prompt line for default text
Added Google Desktop Search Plug-In Click
Here for Details
4.1.19c 6-8-2006
Layer switch on merged drawings fixed
Centroid for fills/hatches works on all entities in boundary.
4.1.19b 6-7-2006
DWG Special Characters (degree) in attributes - fixed
Offset distance irregularities fixed
/EEX Text string not taking $STR
OA now updates rubberbanding line
4.1.19 6-2-2006
Zero lengthed curves saved to DWG would crash ACAD. Fixed (David Saska drawing)
SP fix
ArchiCADD drawing with odd component offset problem Fixed (Tom Albright drawing)
4.1.18c 5-25-2006
DWG now supports Lightweight Polyline w/ Irregular Normals
Rclick on layer for renaming not correct when layer is named fixed
Tabbed DWG drawing. Increased tab name from 30 characters to 128
YC,~,YH,1024,!; // user types '=' (fixed)
AQ - AlwaysCenter now sticks
4.1.18a 5-18-2006
Problem when clicking prompt options fixed
Lin Dim mirror minor fix.
Dim Max/Min tolerance now using multiplier correctly
YN, 1, " "; YN, 2, " "; error message removed and allow unnaming layer
DS Overwrite message on locked files - fixed
ACAD1003 (R8) & ACAD1002 (R7) - added to DWG Read log report list
/GET,MenuName - crash fixed
/LIST($I(1)) - does not accept variable
4.1.17b 5-11-2006
BQ custom base angle show 6 decimal spaces to reduce roundoff errors
Elliptical Arc - /EEX value of 17
When XOR is off, the little X that marks 0,0 disappears
YH,~,,/beep; - user types '=' fixed
Check for updates bug compare fix
JV and GP spacebar repeatable
Lin Dim Mirror Fix
4.1.17a 5-04-2006
Drop down menu bug fix
4.1.17 5-03-2006
YU,A adding 1 empty layer fixed
Dim text slant missing from AQ and cfg
File Lock not on 2nd DL drawing (merge)
BQ - restore custom angle
4.1.16c 5-01-2006
Layer scramble problem fixed
4.1.16a 4-26-2006
AE edit placement - don't ask for labels
Text Match fix
Standard EA Command Endpoint Orientation Fix for Bjorn
AQ : PrintPreviewAllToBlack - default TRUE
Match hatch warning message in UNKNOWN hatch pattern
file locking fixed
Linetype DWG Metric Fix
Large Font underline cursor automatic adjustment.
4.1.15 4-18--2006
/EA keep point order on P5 and P7
Rounding screen pixels eliminated jagged straight lines
Error message if YN is a whole number
OB from macro problem fixed
MV,Ret,Esc leaving highlighted objects on screen
4.1.14b 4-14--2006
Layer name shifting on DL bug fixed
E4 when run from macro bug fixed
macros.fil erasure on reset fixed
4.1.14 4-11--2006
DS, dwg option working correctly
CL status prompts
LO,G look at lock path settings
CN,S attribute fix
$LIST fixed
CT - Layer Names in Component Convert
DP Preview white background put in system settings
OB - direct distance works in macro. OB,@,@,3;
3 symbol libraries containing 12,000+ symbols (components) now
available free! www.generalcadd.com/downloads.htm
4.1.13 3-31-2006
XRefs for DWG work Rotated 90 from DP, print error fixed Dan
CZ and CR - update rubberbanding component instantly
Core seed fill fix
DP: when All to black on Paper did not display when dragging.
4.1.12a 3-24-2006
MA page Down/Up working again.
Attribute Draw fix
4.1.12 3-23-2006
Fix for Bruce's mirrored dimension problem
Elliptical arc trsformation fix related to fonts
HY and OH, BH, HA commands - hatch layer not being used fixed
Version control - warn if path does not exist
S2 - turn rubberbanding off user request
Warning message for CN
YC - page Down/Up working again. All side menu commands working with PgUp/PgDn
DM shows correct state in status bar
Warning variables added to /GET, /SET variable list
4.1.11a 3-17-2006
Seed Hatch glitch fixed
CT - SHX font import handles arcs must reconvert fonts it see fix
Attributes problem fixed
4.1.11 3-14-2006
DWG read improvements
DP,Z,M zoom value added to print
DP Fast Redraw added
DP shows All to Black objects on screen
SA,V R version pickable with mouse
LM Protected and Locked layer button is "pressed in"
LM arrow keys do not work in LM. Puts focus back in drawing screen after one arrow key fixed
FB using new method for email. Messages should come across on non-Outlook systems
4.1.10 3-8-2006
show direction of line when BL object picked
LX crash after Mark Ks drawing loaded : fixed
NEW Attach button added to FB
4.1.09b 3-3-2006
Anonomous Blocks - Those used by representing ARCH Express Geometry
Added "R" version to DWG/DXF log
Attribute text not rotating in DP preview correctly fixed
Single letter options from a variable supported - ER,$S(1),!;
Added XOR after dll warning. implemented Bjorn's suggestions
CP/IP restore last mouse down point - D. Brown
Macro string formatting fix </FWR,1,'N',$GI(0),' (T) DATE ',$S(1),.,$S(2),.,$S(3),#;> not handling the '.'
4.1.09a 3-2-2006
added LWM to printer settings file
Hatch thumbnails sometimes drawing in background color fixed
RO with "V" does not work. <MR,RO,T,!,0,0,V,0,0,-100,0,@;> fixed
BD - allows input S1
SL, SP and SR now highlight the pick object.
XP command Vector file selector needs update
Missing font warning blocks status line - only when not in command
if XOR is On and loaded drawing has it Off, warn and keep On.
Increase length of mru folders combo in DL dialog to remove the scrollbars
Printed Images shifts if top page margin greater that default fixed
DisplayXOR put in system setting
4.1.09 2-27-2006
- Fix for TA' symbol placements coming in from DWG - UCZ 3D axis set to 0,0,-1
Dwg Cvt - Set Symbol Color Correct if DWG Object is Set "BYLAYER"
R3 - direct distance to define side length fix
DWG save - empty record error message corrected
Metric notation Direct Distance allowed
LX with Stacked Variance not allowing overwrite of dimension fixed
MD rubberbanding
FB - Shift + Send attaches generalcadd.cfg file (testing)
DWG Read: Text Justification Mapping - Needs Testing
Log file for dwg conversion improvements.
-- Show list of XRefs not found in converter log
4.1.08 2-22-2006
DWG Write Fix for Degree Symbol
CP from macro/menu could not access FilpX/Y options
Fix for font arcs in text with aspect set
arc turns into circle at certain zooms
printer k850 supported
BH crash with unclosed boundary and WOOD3 hatch pattern
CP/IP restore previous down point
MD - direct distance working
Fix for TA's XRef display problem w/ complex spatial filtering
4.1.07a 2-17-2006
View pdf button grayed out until pdf fully written
Entering "S" in AQ pops up search when entering text
RD after XOR change implemented
4.1.07 2-14-2006
LM - double click on layer, objects drawn in background color disappear until RD fixed
Warning message dialog - allow user to change warning level
DisplayXOR mode removed from DI
XT (object extend) & RM (object trim) no longer accept numeric input to trim or extend fixed
NEW - PDF finished message. View or open folder after PDF file has been saved
AQ Search bitmap button.
DWG Hatch Save now GCP hatches are saved to DWG hatches, no conversion to line segments
Print preview - ignoring display fill setting Fixed
Refresh list added to Layer rclick Menu
XOR added to status bar with warning message
AQ > Apply to this session was updating the generalcadd.cfg file. fixed
Hitting ESC in DP preview redraw will not exit command.
XOR warning message added to QT
Printed linetypes in Components fixed
AQ>PrintedLineWeight added to control line output thickness for unmapped pens.
/SET,togglename,2; toggles state. Ex: /SET,OrthoMode,2;
Print order fix
Left over dither inside text curve entities - fixed
ESC twice clears out Persistent Tool id - Shift+DI would cause infinite command.
DK - Progress indicator added and ESC = exit
DP - Minimum Line Width Setting Added
4.1.06b 2-1-2006
TN dialog switching work
DWG import leader text not showing fix
4.1.06a 1-30-2006
TN remember last thumbnail setting added
Selection commands handling @@ better
4.1.06 1-29-2006
DM work - Digitizer menu work
KP - '=' to find layer working
PDF automatic incremental naming when running DP from macro PDFSaveAs must be off
Layer options update full/short list button
UG : At an Angle - Update angle only if user edits value. Eliminates roundoff error
Clipboard Copy creating Version Control save fixed
Q1 button added to dim toolbar bitmaps
CLOSEALLTABS in status bar rclick menu
Tabs retaining layer status correctly
VT views show named layers in YD/YH
PO objects give incorrect extents when outer most object
Current layer cannot be locked not obeying AQ warning status
Color map cleanup
TE/TG now correctly turns on/off bolding of text
thumbnail dialog - Show Details added
LWM red in status bar if not 1.0
Color Map - objects not displaying in some cases
CG/WG/OG will now change Line types on Text
problem with UNDO/REDO in View Tab fixed
4.1.05 1-18-2006
EXploding attributes now obey X,Y setting
WC Fit within Span work
CADD5 dwg loading correctly
Print order fix
OT,L,!,~,@; Offset not handling '~' for offset distance
DWG Write Color Match Bug Fix - TA Drawings
WC single vertical or horizontal now shows rubber banding object
/SET, /GET handles metric and angles
DWG Read Fix for UCS (0,0,-1) - Needs Testing
Line Arc Fillet Fix
4.1.04 1-5-2006
LF/SF - fixed case sensitive problem
CP,$S(0), $X(1), $Y(1) working again
WT cleanup
WG - crash fix
4.1.03c 1-4-2006
UG - problem when nothing selected - fixed
/LIST macro work
CN - attributes should take on AS settings
removed TG extra redraw
WG/CG/DG - change attrib color
AU Autosave: creating backup folders is odd places if drawing path not definded - fixed
4.1 in help menu
4.1.03 12-30-2005
Misc DWG fixes
CZ,!,!,CZ,$PNTX*-1,$PNTY; rework CZ
Attribute text size work
FB - put version number in subject line
Timeout rubber box on Rotate/Scale/Stretch commands
MC - flip added
MC/IP ghost fix
Printing component objects with different widths
MC restore last component name
CN - include attributes
OG changes Attribute color
Attributes not taking on AS color
KU,KC allow deselect (Ctrl)
4.1.02 12-23-2005
Component Flip X and Y added to CP and MC commands
Macro code adjustment
Temporarily withdrawn bug discovered.
12-20-05 Version 4.1.01
Released! Click Here
4.0.27b 12-16-2005
TQ - use current layer not sticking
YU - causing -1 Layer in saved drawing
RO - not able to enter Grab angle
4.0.27a 12-15-2005
LI command kicks out if commands like C2 issued
GCD attribute read fix
Ghosting fixes JV, MX, UV
4.0.27 12-13-2005
Enter keypad numbers after picking command from side menu works correctly now
DX,Y will remove view or layout tab but will not erase drawing.
OE on bitmap images erases correctly
Load files from command line. If path not included supply default path
Draftsman macro - /.,#; fixed
extreem arc chord adjustment. flat arcs with center WAY off screen
If all the dim pts are w/in stretch window - make sure dim line moves w/ the stretch
OO - restores last selection list
SZ - ghost fix (untested)
degree and plus/minus chars working again.
4.0.26b 12-9-2005
AQ rclick help and commands displayed with label
HG - ESC now will abort correctly
Line to Arc fillet fix
HG - detect GCD hatches and display message to pick hatch name
OO - clear last selected list
CG - text disappears until redraw - fixed
WR - Dimension ghosting problem while redrawing fixed
Rotate on large drawings fix
RO - large drawing too slow drag image. draw box if 2 second delay
Antique font slanted display . Correctly
Commas in the filename now load if dbl click from explorer
CD from macro works
RC,O,@,!,@,360,99; from macro shows correct prompt
CD command then exit - program would not display drawing modified message.
RN - resets the screen so objects fall under the VM menu fixed
TABS - DXY did not always go the the correct tab.
RO - left over pixel fix
GG debugger interface changes
4.0.25a 12-2-2005
AQ work shows command next to variable name
AQ,S brings up search
AQ added list to AngularDegree variable
BI Bill or Material command removed not finished in time for GCP4 release
exe.Lnk files supported in Plugins.
Filleting both ends of an Arc fixed Vincent
IB Circle and arc fix - Tom
4.0.25 11-29-2005
Arc clip fix
WD Window Redraw working correctly in a macro
Turn off TABS in DP
Ortho Stop and Ortho Mode conflict fixed
OB first break pick can be outside endpoint range
OT now uses current properties based on config variable
Print output clean up
GCD hatch Fix
Slow print with hatches - fixed
4.0.24b 11-23-2005
LO,G - GCD hatches turned off last version working again now
/CLOSETAB - does not get rid of global variables
FB - error message if error launching email system
Old GCD legacy hatches displaying only happened to *UNKNOWN hatches
4.0.24a 11-22-2005
LN,A accepts angles correctly
TL I-beam cursor working again
TL rubberbanding box would turn into triangle if off screen
AQ ExportImageBackgroundColor added used by SA,I and XP,Bitmap
4.0.24 11-21-2005
Dim Change problem when Leader string > 256 chars
CL from thumnail can cause load problems with Lock Path on
New commands - KU/KC/KP
Tab navigation work Ctrl+TAB new ordering scheme
DP,S,!,S,$VAL/.5,E,L,~,T,W,!,W,$VAL*.5,C,1,; not displaying printer settings Tom
middle mouse pan and tandem cursor Bruce
LN - Angle option hooked up
WR hatch with boundary - shows rubberbanding geometry
Tabs - Going between tabs will not abort tool if Tabs are related.
TE - Use current layer fix
Stretch hatches - much faster
SS - selection stretch minor fixes
Milan's new Default Menus .MNU and .GXV
4.0.23b 11-18-2005
Stray printed arc fix with certain drawings fixed
TY - problem setting text layer
Generic Friendly DWG save fixed
VC - version control path added also saves initial file before changes
Hatch dots display correctly
Crash bug UG on leader fix
Swedish Font Support DWG Save
Font Load Code Page Fix
4.0.23 11-15-2005
TE disappearing text fix
Copy command (WC,OC,CO) all support Scroll Wheel and Grab span
DP - Thin text
4.0.22d 11-14-2005
Const pts now ignore DisplayXOR and always display
dimen size problem - introduced bug - fix
4.0.22c 11-13-2005
HPGL direct plot crash fix
ARc/Cirlce linetypes - display faster - radius bug fix
Tab works in TE dialog if focus not in edit box
component bounds - speedup
CPU info added to FB report
4.0.22a 11-9-2005
XX scroll Pg Up/Dn Crash bug fix
4.0.22 11-8-2005
after Close Tab - command line ready for DL and other commands
About dialog>Contact us calls FB dialog
Fix for IB - Eric Drawing
MU - last line no showing up easily from a macro
CG - from macro allow macro to complete even if nothing selected
Hidden Objects message displaying
DWG Load Dim Text Fix
C3,SX,SX,Sx fix
MD - 0 decimal value works
4.0.21b 11-4-2005
Macro Debugger - TL allows leading spaces
Component Color / Filter fix
TL - edit with arrow keys fix
Change commands - <Enter> clear value <ESC> backout
Current Command aborted when selecting new drawing tab
4.0.21 11-2-2005
GIF image format added to IG and Export>Bitmap
RN,! - defaults to last loaded env
LB - leading spaces in TL supported
Leader text 2#dd after UG changed to # - fixed
Extra pixel - line draw fix zoomed out text looks cleaner
Color map work
EA,F3,E4 documented in help
Snap Percentage Elliptcal Arc
MH macro command added to Text and Dimen dialogs
ExplodeEllipseToArcs Use OX command, AQ>ExplodeEllipseToArcs to set number of break arcs
IB Erases Horiz. Line
Link dim fill fonts to global filled fonts settings
Elliptical Objects Snap Foci - S5 Command (until a better 2LC is found)
Color Map Dialog - better control - added Use LWM and Actual Wid column
OX - breaks ellipses
Change commands - new prompts
DS resets DigMode correctly
SB/LB Elliptical Arc works
4.0.20a 10-26-2005
DisplayXOR not reading from cfg
IA - non-closed boundary error fix
LC,= on Component with default color - not allowed warning message
4.0.20 10-25-2005
AQ SEARCH button much improved USE IT
AQ MOST RECENT menu option improved
AQ - tooltips on buttons, new button text
IB Fix for special cases of line & circle
DWG Attributes Fix
Attributes added to OI, other improvements
laYer commands - Full/Short/Data buttons at top of side layer list
component image checkbox added to CQ - Place and Close buttons removed
Autosave path - FP,K can set it empty
SA,I - setting background color but not setting back fixed
New file open dialogs work with Digitizers
Component Color added to Filter
Autosave on new Tab - save before switching to new tab
ES (Fence Stretch)- working with Ortho
Dim change display garbage cleanup
DS,$S(1); wroking correctly Bjorn
Check for Updates - bold Update buttons only if newer version available
Q1 added to Dimensions menu
CP status prompt
MC - IP fix
Check for updates/UpdateNow - delete download files option
DI,X - XOR display -
BL - Ctrl to float text
BL - show full rubberbanding text (no box)
UG - changing decimal value = -1 fix
DWG Save Layer status
SM Elliptical Arc
TE - TAB chars allowed in edit box
TE - now Resizable
TE - True Tabbed Columns supported
TE - Apply button added
AQ - TabColumns and TabWidth added
RClick on Print>Rotate90 to inc/dec 90 degs
IX Arrow work
TE - show line length / exts in own status bar
4.0.19 10-8-2005
SR decimal places increased
more to be added.......
4.0.18 10-4-2005
Ghost imagews fixes
seed fill fix
L1 persistent fix
MD,@,@ added (macro code)
more to be added...............
4.0.17 9-23-2005
uses new File Open dialog
RP command has Inscribe(on/off) option
Show Thumbnails added to File Open dialog
Spaces allowed in Layer Names. YC,YD,YN fixed
changed TextMirrorOverride to TextMirrorTrueMirror - easier to
Shift+Wheel Pan back in
Show Status Prompt back in Rclick on status bar and pick Show
Status Prompt to turn off.
YH,= side menu disappears after pick
4.0.16a 9-19-2005
HN, thumbnail display fix
CL macro fix
A1 erase and undo fix
Middle button AP pan continuous refresh added
4.0.16 9-18-2005
$GCPPATH - new readonly variable that contains teh app path.
$GCPPATH = c:\general cadd 4\
usage: LB,$GCPPATH\gxm\test.gxm;
Folder History in new Open/Save dialogs - only show relevant folders
AQ vars: RestoreHiddenLayers and RestoreProtectedLayers
Most Recent menu added to AQ
BL - labeling arcs
Fix for TA's GCD that doesn't write out to DWG
$PI added usage: /vrl,1,$PI;
LT flickering fix
Locked layer cannot be protected warnings
UY, TY now creating side layer list
Flicker fix after typing MV,Y,layer number
DP,O - display origin in prompt line
Lin Dims and Leader Speed Up
EP - direct distance to set minor radius
WarningDrawingLoadHiddenLayers added
Alt+C/N working again. Added /CAP command to bring up GCPCap utility
Remove spaces from Layer Name : YN, LM
HG,P not handling Browse
4.0.15 9-3-2005
AU bug fix
Flickering fix
menu prompts fix
4.0.14c 9-3-2005
LK make current/add fixed
RFN,!; working
PMT flickering fixed
polyline explode now working
polyline convert to line segments working
4.0.14a 9-1-2005
Q1 Quick Dim new command
Fix for TA rotates dim text pulled away
3rd prompt status line - gray background
Paste Command new destination layer option
Shirt+rclick menu on IG objects
Edit image
Update image call after image has changed
Replace with new file
AddToLockedLayer option in AQ Locked Layers functional
AQ column splitter cursor and remembers column width
MG scale fix
Fix for EA not saving in component files
4.0.13c 8-25-2005
EN-RN dialog save fix
Lin Dim alignment fix
4.0.13b 8-24-2005
Arc draw fix
US,~~; open ended command.
EN/RN have common dialogs
RotateHorVerDims Option in AQ turns H1 and V1 dims to Aligned
Outside option available for Dimension TextPlacement in AQ only
SN working with Circles
Polyline DWG Convert Fix
Horizontal Text Line Mirror Fix if Last Line is Empty String
4.0.13a 8-22-2005
DP Stamp Function now working
DX Command can now click Y/N
DP,@@ open ended DP macro
New XP dialog works in CT command
Fixed fills print when turned off
LM rclick menu changed Display/Hide first option
4.0.13 8-19-2005
New View TAB VT command
YP command work
YK command work
Rotated and mirrored text work
Rclick in LM hide all but selected & display all
YH-YD-YE now accepts YH 2,3,4-7,9,10 which will hide 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,& 10.
Same with YD & YE
AQ - Warning methods added
AQ - Search button added
EA - elliptical arc work - MP, SN, OT, printing
DX,Y on empty drawing tab will remove tab
DN - no longer uppercasing name
EL - dither ghosting problem fixed
Export Bitmap - background color option
ME,P - measure path distance and area
NT - Using "Recent Files" to load a drawing error - Bjorn
BI - Bill of Material work in progress
E4 Command - Ellipse with Center, 3 pts on ellipse
DWG - processing unicode chars
Fixed macro problem with CP,$S(2),$X(1),$Y(1);
4.0.12d 8-4-2005
text mirror center justify bug fix
MP on elliptical Arc Work
GCD file import form CADD5 bug fix
internal code work
4.0.12c 8-2-2005
XX Command- rclick help and Help button added
Save Selected and Drawing Load (Merge) will not reset modified flag
OE a point erases from screen
Explode Ellipse: Breaks Ellipse into Arc Segments
Clipboard Copy not saving Component color
Match - don't set current layer if locked
4.0.12 7-28-2005
Withdrawn 7-29-05 due to selection
bugs. Will be reposted next week
YP command Work
Layer Name/numbers reversed in LM list
elliptical arc trin and extend command work
4.0.11d 7-21-2005
DL v3 bug fix
4.0.11c 7-21-2005
merging VCDs show bounding rect
Wheel scroll on side menu lists no longer pgup/pgdn - smoother scroll
Close Tab crash fix
DWG Save Text Font Flag Fix
Migrate Environment - Help>Migrate Environment command
4.0.11 7-14-2005
DP/Color Map/Preview Order checkbox - turn off Print Order preview - faster redraws
VCD Line width Fix on Symbols
DP : Zoom in clipping problem
DP : Fixed Zoom All and Zoom Paper problems
4.0.10f 7-14-2005
DP interfaces changes. New ColorMap dialog Print Order interface
SI,2 command finished
QE dialog is resizable
L1 can no be made persistent
4.0.10d 7-12-2005
Hatches reworked fully support gxh
Print order bug shows in preview
DP,T,B set background to White
4.0.10c 7-11-2005
PO-SI place point at proposed intersection of non parallel lines
Rotate with Color Map bug fixed
Hatch "Vault" work
4.0.10b 7-9-2005
DP Print order now Previews
ColorMap save and restore location
YE checks for Protected layers
Eliptical Arc V3 Save Fix
Crash fix with PLot command
Advance to next/previous Tab : Ctrl+Tab = Next Ctrl+Shift+Tab = Prev
4.0.10a 7-8-2005
EA trim fix
file options button on DL dialog added
Ctrl-TAB cycle through NT tabs forward - Shift-Ctrl-TAB = cycle in
GCD Dim import fix
more to be added........
4.0.10 7-5-2005 Open BETA
Testing Begins
OG and disappearing until redraw
Explode Groups sets Last selected list for easy regrouping after edit
Hatch Name macro fix Bjorn
Unerase works like Generic CADDs minor fix
4.0.09c 6-30-2005
works like GC
Group command : GP
4.0.09b 6-29-2005
TL = bug fix
background color as fill toggle implimented
YH/YH right click bug fix
4.0.09a 6-29-2005
ZG resized preview window fix
CC- component color fixed
IF / IH / IA - new [W]indow option to define search area and speed up operation
From command line>> GCP4.Exe DrawingName.gxd BatchFileName.gxm
DS new dialogs
FP - hatch path added
..\ added to HN/HS,P side menu list (experimental)
HN works from Hatch Path. Reloads selected hatch
4.0.08 6-22-2005
VCS symbols supported in CT
AQ popup lists added for Layer and Ltype values
RPoly ortho/1st pt fix
AQ - Save and make active button added
MG - fixed typing in name problem
File open dialog and Browse - New style
VS Vector sort command
V4 thumbnails working
IA dialog remembers last location
DL will load multiple drawings not working when thumbnails on
4.0.07 6-7-2005
Dither ghost cleanup after ER, MV, etc
AQ - Prompt font size and Menu font size lists added
Menu added to AQ grayed out Open/Save Expand All removed and moved to menu.
VCD dimensions importing with decimals instead of fractions
ZG - fixed zoom working
IA - correct acre and hectacre
AQ - save when collapsed
4.0.06 6-6-2005
Dim arrow types List added to AQ
ZG Fixed zoom Rclick in ZG dialog for setup
MU colors fixed - cfg
Dimcolor fixed - cfg
GXH individual hatch files now supported look in \HATCH folder
AQ Layer lists added, faster, remembers last expansion list and scroll position
Selection Output S1 added to File menu
4.0.05a 6-4-2005
LO,V uses correct path
ZG matches background color
Tab font in WME fixed
4.0.05 6-3-2005
VCD file format fully supported LO,V; FP,V
AQ displays distance values in the current unit
AQ remembers the Expand state between sessions.
LN crash fix
S1 new selection command replaces SE functionality. SE restored to its GCP3 functionality
MG spacebar works
GCP 4 feature list as of 06-02-2005
Support ACAD XRefs and multi-tabbed Layouts
LO,A automatically creates tabbed drawings. Our
Xbox will replicated XRef functionality.
Tabbed MDI (NT)
NT starts a new drawing (untitled) in a new tab.
Right click on tab displays a menu to close the tab. RClick on a Tab or
in prompt area to get a popup Tab menu.
Magnify (ZG/Z1)
Opens a dialog (zoom birdseye) with a magnified
view with the drawing cursor at the center. Ctrl + Scroll to zoom in/out
on the magnified view. Z1 will set the drawing view = magnified view.
AQ All settings dialog
Needs work, but you get the idea.
EA Elliptical Arc
File locking (in QT list)
Load file with this on will mark it Read-only. Will
warn if DL a read-only file.
Seed Area (IA)
Same interface as seed fill. After seed area is
found a dialog with options.
Commands are in Menu>File>Send. Saves the
current drawing and attaches to an email. PDF is missing.
Component Change (MG)
Change properties of a component, similar to Hatch
Change interface. Change name, scale, rotation, color (yes, color).
Save to Original Folder (in QT list)
Drawing remembers its original path and saves to
it. DS will ignore the drawing path
and save back to the original path.
LN - SetLength command - works on Lines, Arcs, and Circles
Set the length of an existing line or arc and
radius of circle
SE (Selection > Action prompt)
Regular SE command but on exit an additional prompt
to > Print Plot Save Batch
clipboard: Cut Copy < This
will allow us to do away with explicit Selection Print/Save/Batch
Changed back to Original
SE style command and new S1 command added.
WC - Hold Down Ctrl and Scroll
the Mouse for Multiple Copies
DP Print only
DP will not allow you go to Plot.
PL - Plot only
PL brings up the DP interface and will not allow
you to go to Print.
will look inside Registry and dig out a filename. The registry
can be set by an external application like ASC2GXM. Sample macro: /WAITEXE,ASC2GXM,!,LB,$OUTPUTFILE;
deg°min'sec added to NF and dim dialog
Another format option for labels, dimensions,
statusbar display
Direct distance/regular number entry supports metric suffix (mm, cm,
TZ, 5cm;
Match added to Text and Dimension dialogs
Allows you to sent the dialogs properties by
matching an object. The dialog hides while you are clicking on an object
(like BQ).