General CADD Pro Version 7.1  Update Log                                        

GCP Version 9.1 Released ! !   - See this page

7.1.79 12-8-2009  GCP Version 8 upgrade purchase now available see order form

- print crash fix

7.1.78 12-4-2009  

-  Fixed issue with Surveyor 3D: Contours with labels not exploding properly in certain commands

 - Fixed issue with Surveyor 3D: TIN, Contouring with breakline points if not lined up directly on terrain shots


7.1.67 10-29-2009  

CT - Batch convert GXDs to DWG or DXF

7.1.66 9-22-2009  

DWGWrite Fix for Hatches/Fills with invalid number of points
Vista/Large Font fix for F2F settings dialog
V6 Save - Points with labels
LO,L crash fix with CT's drawing
EllArc - draw threshold and display fix
Fix for invalid DXF/DXG files crashing system
Pathological Fills Causing an Exception in Conversion to DWG
Elliptical Arc - much better approximation for its length which aids in compiting steps for drawing
EllArc Generation Fix
CS SL persistent fix
GeomMap exception handling
Macro problem if YN exists / OB Circle enter gap
COGO - auto bearing if option checked / Bruce Shrader redraw fix
Leader Orientation Fix for (0,0,-1)
DWGRead: void ExProtocolExtension::uninitialize()
Filter by hatch name fix
Dim Tolerance Max/Min appended text error checking
DWGSave MText restore angle correcly even if font does not exist
*.vcf added to CT button
CP,~,Y,++ fix
MA/Custom - more robust handling of assigning macros to custom 2-letter commands
LineMode param should only apply of the symbolic dash
Symbolic Linetype - linemode, angle specified params fixed
OR,$(1) add syntax

GCP Version 8 Begins BETA Testing  click here

What's New In GCP 8

7.1.59 7-1-2009  

DP to PDF File Exists Rename fix
fixed ReSort (RS) problem with Blotout Objects

7.1.58 6-25-2009  GCP Version 7 upgrade purchase now available see order form

LM Bug fix
GCD tol with Min/Max fix
Macro precision problem fixed
Large font fix / Layer Mgr / Point Label setting dlg fix
PD will remove layers <0 and >= 1024

7.1.53 6-18-2009

Text Append (TA) on a leader - line spacing fix
Flat Arc fix (Georgios)
DWGRead "<>" codes handled
SendTo from Explorer fixed
GCD drawing Tol with Override fix
Arc selection fix
RotateHorzVertDims moved to system settings area
R3 change - RET to create square
Migrate must pick From Version first - drive letter on font path
MV macro problem fixed - Vincent

7.1.46 5-15-2009

Fixed GT problem introduced in 7.1.45.

7.1.45 5-13-2009

RV – Revision Cloud last arc cleanup
IF/IH/IA use AQ/SeedFillGapTol 
YN out of range fix
US,L,! returns -1 if UseCurrentLayerForDims is set – Bjorn
Explode Text char to Component loses some characters
R3 – use Direct distance <RET> <RET> for square
DrawObject Hatch - Fill - split outboundary system for flaw in KK command
VS remove PtNumber selection options
Blotout (BO) fix – On/Off/Default – 
QEdit toolbar - WS not hooked up – must reset QEdit toolbar from Customize dlg
Dim Tolerance decimal value fixed for Max/Min in UG
MeasureValueCopyToClipboard added to AQ

Group Text (GT) regroups exploded Line/Curve Table data

7.1.40 4-24-2009

DN will handle '.' in the file name like “A0.1”
S2 fix
FB attach cfg checkbox working
RV, PU finishes click mode cloud (does not have to be closed)
RV fix – make sure last point is included if open
RO crash fix 

7.1.39 4-20-2009

DWGRead – Arc Dimensions now come in as arcs and text
Don't AutoSave before running macros - too long of delay for bigger drawings.
increased command line buffer for loading more drawings on the command line rclick gxds and SendTo
Polyline/Border/Breakline End, etc, added to F2 codes
LF in NT Tab fix
Allow filenames with & / OT show dynamic offset value and Properties option

BU - Auto Place Labels option (default ON)
AJ Report in COGO Dialog - close button works
F2 dup pt detection
NB,A - would not display label if it was the first one
NB,F font settings option working
Contour Change - Auto Label only Affect COntours with Auto Generated Labels
KP/SM - was picking mulit-cliboard option
PreDetermined Area and Inverse keep GW turned off but send data to the report
NB,F show size button hooked up

7.1.36 4-10-2009

DWGSave – Viewport Layer re-Fix
DWGSave: Bitmap variables make sure to use non-cached values for comversion
LI,SL fix when NP used for starting pt
DQ Macro commands - changed DQ,LA (Leader Arrows) DQ,LR (Fractional Mode) 
AQ/PDF_SaveAsDialog working again. No option in DP yet. Must be set in AQ
Save Image file type change not update extension in file box - fixed

BL label flipping around line works in all cases
BU Auto Label can create short Curve and Line labels
Filter by Point w/ Pt Desc
PT sets the Description correctly
BL new format combinations added
LG Point Label Change – can now change Description
Points - independent layer display for each label in addition to the point itself
If point is hidden, labels will still display
GW dialog resizing correctly
F2F Preview causing points to not place 
hide Edit Desc controls in f2f
BQ Show Dist button for label offset added
Inverse 1-10 range with gaps in pt numbering fixed
CT/CR cogo angles (ddd.mmss) read
BL/short line bypass Line Table dialog
BD - handles NE45.3030 100.0 entry
BL/BD Label format option added to 3rd prompt line
F2 manual linework pick points from list fix
GW Help button added to COGO dialog
WE Points with dynamic labels fix
3D Cache Update If Layer is Hidden/Displayed
Pt Labels display problem after LG

7.1.31 4-2-2009

DWGLOAD Explode Polylines added to DWGOptions and AQ
DWGSave – Viewport Layer Fix

BU (Auto Labels) will Line and Curve table data

7.1.30 4-1-2009

NoPrint layer status now restored with drawing
AQ/RestoreNoPrintLayerStatus - added
LM,Name,Load&Save save all layer states
DWG Save: Map Hidden Layer Status
AQ - Layers get own heading 
GG - VAL: given more precision
DWG Save Attribute Angle
AJ - Suspend AutoSnaps, Check to make sure Closing Point is on a geometric entity - if its not - warn the user
BL/Line Table with 2-pick mode problem fixed
MH extracts Point Label settings from Survey Pts

7.1.28 3-26-2009

DWG Save Line weight mapping - new scheme so linewidths display better in Viewports
DWG Save Viewport Layers – If layer name is an index, refind name before saving to DWG
RE,0,0,3,3  bug fix in macro

COGO Window work – nearly complete / updating docs

7.1.27 3-23-2009

GT from macro changing Explode setting – fixed
BQ show angle not coming back to dialog correctly – fixed
IN Inverse command back in – output goes to GW cogo data report
SP & ST fix - line would not float along the target object
RE,0,0,3,3 from command line working again
DWG Save Fix - Empty Record Error Message

7.1.23 3-17-2009

Volume calculations work
BD label offset problem fixed
Contour generation error case fixed
COGO GW – help update

7.1.21 3-15-2009

Auto Snaps removed (just kidding)
GT Group Text - loose text into MText working
Q1 fix - sometimes 1-pick mode did not work the first time
HG/HS accept S or Z for Scale (also P or N for Name) 
VP – removed D and L from prompt. New rule, when in drawing tab you always get the pick viewport location dialog. I think it makes it simpler and gives more direction. 
HG,P shows thumbnails 
VQ – Active checkbox works 
Paste – CZ/CR working. 
GT turns off an grays out Explode 
BO Blot – removed Color (for now – never hooked up) / default,ON,OFF 

Surveyor3D updates
DX,Y will clear out COGO data
PT random small labels – fixed
/PLG uses settings stored in Point

7.1.20 3-12-2009

Curves with linetypes not Printing or Displaying if DP/Rotate90 ON – fixed
ME,P ignore ortho
M4, ME,P dither selected objects, show Object count
Surveyor3D COGO Data saved with drawing
VM has new popup preview option in rclick menu. 

7.1.19 3-10-2009

M4 Macro fix / Ortho ignored
Shift/RN should not be persistent
F2 settings/preview tab mixup with certain file formats
IB deleting text if in original selection set – fixed
YH display problem fixed 
RM to a polyline problem fixed

AS - endpont snap can be 3D point - S3D
N,E option added to DC in surveyor3D
Text table works in Split BL format
Field codes fix
Label/Desc fix
DWG save Surveyor 3D information
F2/PLG Dynamic Label checkbox working
Trim, Object Break contour keeps labels in position

7.1.15 3-3-2009

MT - Include Non-Intersecting Lines option added MT 3rd prompt line
AllowZeroLengthedLines option added to AQ.
Surveyor3D resetting toolbars each launch – fixed

7.1.13 2-25-2009

! IMPORTANT FIX ! Version Control files creating incorrect file dates – file data is good, but some files in \INCSAVE\ have incorrect dates - fixed
GW / COGO – work in progress (Surveyor3D)
lower case $gs(0) macro fix
BQ - show base angle of 90d0'35' fixed
VM/Preview components interfering with Spacebar repeat command – fixed
QE using snap for pick point logic change 
Implemented $GCPMENU system variable. /VST,1, $GCPMENU,LV,Test.gxv; $GCPMENU = current video menu including path

7.1.11 2-2-2009

BL / Arcs fix 
BL / 2 pick split format fix
AP Auto Pan command fix

7.1.10 1-29-2009

DblClk on text problem fixed
PDF fixes / layout tabs
CN macro fix
AQ hatch layer fix
added Hatch and fill layer to HS
WF – not displaying until redraw when RefreshUnderRemovedObjects off
BL split format fixed

7.1.08 1-12-2009

SI,3 cleaned up 
VP to layout tab defaults to correct view
Migrate was not bringing over custom linetypes
OI Viewport not showing Color/Width
YD default states on top buttons fixed
AS: 50% node showing if Midpoint turned off
VP Edit : Layout’s current layer transferring to Model tab, then restored
VP Layering fixes
F1 key working again
Tab Ctrl key problems fixed
VP border and Colormap fix
Warn if EL or QS/Delete key is about to erase a Viewport or XRef

7.1.07 1-9-2009

CC nested component naming conflict
Ctl+C could set AS – fixed
MText edit aspect working

7.1.06 1-7-2009

Flashing cursor when cursor stops moving and Autosnaps ON – fixed
A2/C2/A3 – check for duplicate points and don’t allow
Shift+TAB to go back to last Tab (Ctrl+TAB increments to next tab/Ctrl+Shift+TAB previous tab)
Viewport Edit fixes to Layer Mgr
If Layout Tab modified warn at Close
VQ defaults to Viewport the cursor is inside when command issued

7.1.04 1-6-2009

Leader selection crossing fix
Bogus Hatches crashing OI - fixed

7.1.03 1-5-2009

MText bug fixes
cosmetic clean ups

7.1.02 1-2-2009

Video menu size at startup sometimes incorrect – fixed
VP in layouts problem fixed
video menu: macro in ** line works Ex: SYMBOLS,/VMP,++,**
LT crash after macro fixed
/RCM, /RVM, /RPM new commands (Reload menu commands for : Custom,Video,Plugins)
PI,A interferes with PAN – fixed
Surveyor3D - when PM=ON and enter 28'3" (with any unit notation) will take as direct distance
Viewport Mgr - Use command prompts fix for setting Zoom and Angle 
Flyouts (Popouts) allowed in Default.pop and QuickSelect.pop

7.1.01  12-29-08  Version 7.1 Released!!


7.0.037 12-27-2008

more bug fixes

7.0.034 12-22-2008

MText mirror and other fixes
MText NP ref pt
TS,Z macro fix
Auto Snaps – hover case

7.0.033 12-17-2008

WheelIncAngle fix
Resource leak fix
SnapQuadrant option in AS hooked up
OA - disables AS 
remove AS from 3rd prompt line moved to prompt boxes

7.0.032 12-15-2008

AS works with PO points
Show Snap option added : Closest one
Ctrl tap fix

7.0.031 12-14-2008

AS Auto Snap enhancements – Skip small objects / Ctrl key tap to toggle AS / big symbol when cursor is within snap tol

7.0.030 12-12-2008

Offset crash fix
MText misc cleanup work
Auto Snaps working with Ortho fix

7.0.029 12-11-2008

AS - only show red X when close to it – show small blue box if too far away to snap
RV redraw now shows arcs
MText handles rotated text
SI ignores parallel lines
/VMP new toggle command to turn on/off Video Menu preview of components
SS/WS disable AutoSnaps
Show Snaps option added 
Arcs now only show endpoints, not 2nd const pt
Curve Tangent problem fixed

7.0.028 12-9-2008

Auto Snaps – Object added
` grave key macro assignable – set inside MA/Options
Snap Grid override by AS
Show snap points near cursor

7.0.027 12-7-2008

AS – Auto Snaps preview working
MText spellchecker work

7.0.024 12-4-2008

Component Preview in VM Video menus – rclick and pick Show Component Preview
Viewports maintain zoom view after Stretch and MovePoint of VP window
MText / Spellchecker cleanup
Secondary Unit added to DQ/UG Units tab
Convert Textline to MText from Text Edit dialog – click MText button
Explode Text line explodes to individual Text characters, then to components
IA/IF/IH % complete status message
DP crash fix

7.0.023 11-24-2008

V6 save fix
Viewport fix
MText save fix

7.0.022 11-22-2008

MP now works on VP Viewport rectangle
TE now allows RClick/NP to place text
OT Offset fix
Seed Area IA – new messaging / Faster

7.0.021 11-20-2008

Config settings saved with Layout tabs
SE,Q (new selection option) – pick object will set filter and select drawing or just set filter – SE,Q,F or SE,Q,D
New XR dialog asks for Layer – can be turned off
OB Circle fix
A6 (new command) – enter Radius/Span/Arc Length
WZ Viewport retains zoom view

7.0.019 11-15-2008

YD showing no-print bitmap incorrectly on short list
Migrate update linetype file path from gcp6 to gcp7
LM - long/short/data/sel all buttons along the top
Faster Viewport select / cleanup
SI,3 back in
VP - checkbox to use command prompts instead of pick point dialog
clip viewports / faster pick
Layer Copy added to LM (layer mgr)
Viewport in drawing tab dynamically shows object 
GC component snap moved to sys settings
Circle borders supported for VP
Saving while in a Layout tab shifted view - fixed
Printing pen difference with LinDim/Blotout - fixed
disallow MButton AutoPan if in command - conflict with macro
BL double image fix
new buttons in YD replaced checkboxes
VP Layer mgr All/On/Off buttons
MH on MText working
VM previews Components if CP in macro
MText saves to V6
new buttons added to YD 
Full Edit button added to QE - launches TE or UG depending on object 
DblClk empty space popup option added to default.pop
OB fix on Arcs
Leader justify variables added to DQ dialog

7.0.018 10-30-2008

Viewports (VP) now can be placed in the Drawing Tab
VQ auto-launch after VP command – checkbox in dlg to turn that off
Strip Z (elevation) option added DWGSave options dialog
SO,X creates a projected snap based on an object and rubberline
SI,3 option removed – functionality moved to SO,X 

7.0.016 10-29-2008

IG - remember last ext 
Stretch commands refresh fix 
LM/Save button hooked up 
LM - multiple redraws fixed after turning off layers 
VP Mgr enter ang and zoom - helper dialog 
MA/Custom crash if Macos.fil not found 
KP,M rclick clipboard preview for menu options to delete 
DWGSave/DWGLoad - separate options dialogs 
VQ Viewport Manager auto launches when Layout Tab picked 

7.0.015 10-23-2008

RV [D]rag and [C]lick modes 
UG font change fix 
new Draw toolbar bitmaps 
SO,X and SO,E 
new snap bitmaps 
Snap Center includes Polylines 
Stamp Text size set in DP stamp options 
A2 length entry cleanup 
DK detect different layer 
Custom commands 
MText ref pt is red box 
dblclk object will launch popup menu (new option in QS options) 
TE on MText launches MText edit 
Fast Curve added to FA (speed up humungous DWG contours curves) 
DWG options display in Load DWG/DXF (LO,A/X
DWG options display in Save DWG/DXF (SA,A/X
new component toolbar bitmaps 
Attribute commands grouped under AT command 
MText in OI 
new Dim toolbar buttons 
Custom Menu added to top dropdown menu – reads custom.pop file 
MA – custom commands can be grouped in flyouts 
SO command in macro fix 
MText settings cleanup 

7.0.014 10-4-2008

COGO window crash fixed

7.1.013 10-3-2008

NEW VP command now works in the Model Tab. Creates VP in layout tab 
NEW Shift/Rclick on Viewport for new command “Edit data in model tab” 
OE and WE will warn if XRef or Viewport are about to be erased. 
MText extents fix (TM)
MText Mirror fix (TM)
WZ flashing fix 
NEW Multiple Clipboard functionality. KP,M will show list of previous clipboards. Reset 
KP,spacebar will cycle thru clipboard 
Show CI explode cursor in CP before comp is picked 
Migrate works with hatches 
NEW Refresh under moved or erased objects 
RV min/max value fix 
MultiTrim (MT) trims to theoretical intersection for lines

7.1.009 9-18-2008

AutoSnaps: AN command is now a toggle. Shift/rclick to set the snaps up (work in progress)
VQ – Viewport Mgr – Allows you to set zoom value and rotation
RV – ESC cleans up correctly
TM MText – many fixes / saved to DWG
DS saves Layouts correctly
Layer Mgr (LM) – cleaned up.
PolarSpellCheck DLL file replaced to eliminate trial message

7.1.003 9-9-2008

GCP Version 7 Current Beta Version Program Highlights

...more yet to come!

 New: MText Command (TM)

  • After a rectangle is specified, the typed text will dynamically word wrap to maintain its justification

  • Text settings can be individually applied to words within the block, for instance a word can be bolded in the middle of a block

  • Support for perfect justification – similar to newspaper columns in addition to center, left, and right

  • As-you-type spell checking – misspelled words are underlined in red – right click over the words to correct

  • Grip handles allow for dynamic resizing and movement

  • Holding down the alt key will show rotation grips to set the angle of the text block

New: Autosnap Mode (ON)

  • Cursor changes to show search tolerance

  • Snap endpoint, object, mid point, and intersection can be individually turned ON or OFF

Upgraded Functionality: Polylines Now Support Arcs (PI) (JV)

  • Arcs are now part of the polyline entities’ definition

  • Polyline command has two new arc mode options – (M) specify the midpoint of an arc and (T) draw an arc tangent to the previous line or arc in the polyline

New: Revision Cloud Command (RV)

  • Revision clouds are polylines that consist of sequential arcs. They are used to call attention to parts of a drawing during the review stage

  • Move the mouse and the cloud is automatically drawn – the command will complete once you get near the start of the polyline

  • You can specify the minimum and maximum chord distance length of each arc to achieve the proper look

Upgraded Functionality: Seed Area Command (IA)

  • Allows for automatic placement of are and perimeter results in the drawing

  • Control over formatting, units, pre and post data strings

Upgraded Functionality: Field to Finish (F2)

  • Preview before data goes into the drawing

Upgraded Functionality: 2009 DWG Support

  • Polylines with arcs are now converted 1-1 with out polylines

New: Reverse Points (RR)

  • Useful for objects with symbolic linetypes – clicking on the object will make it go the opposite direction

  • This functionality may be moved to VS in a future versions

New: Cogo Window (CW) -Surveyor3D 7.0 pre-Beta!

  • Not fully functional. Looking for feedback on the interface
  • This command will replace the HT command in GCP7/S3D

Upgraded Functionality: Layer Manager (LM)

  • Buttons on the left side of the dialog
  • Non-Printable layer button
  • Layer Move button
  • Undo Layer status change

Note: Version control has been renamed to Incremental Save and is accessible thru AU (auto save), and a new checkbox in then DS dialog.